Using symbolism patriarchal authorities have been making women “invisible” in public spaces for centuries. Toponyms derived from people’s names have a symbolic power to emphasize who is or should be valued in society. This article reviews the importance of streets named after people for the formation of the social and […]
Keywords: urban space
The research focus of the article is defined by three scientific categories — gender, urbanism, disability. The issues of ensuring the sustainable development of the city and its territories are considered: satisfying the needs and rights to space for various groups of people, cre-ating such a friendly and open environment […]
Naberushkina E. K. Disability in the focus of urban ...
На примере социологии города и социологии молодежи рассматривается использование комплексного гендерного подхода (gender mainstreaming) в современной Германии. Изложены цели и задачи, а также этапы формирования концепции gender mainstreaming. ШПИЛЕВ Дмитрий Анатольевич кандидат социологических наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой социально-гуманитарных наук, НИУ ВШЭ (Н. Новгород). Shpilev D. A. Application of gender mainstreaming […]