The paper is devoted to the analysis of how emigrants from Russia to the United States understand the concept of «Motherland», as well as to the comparative analysis of the perception of the Motherland image by Russians and emigrants from Russia. The author plans to determine differences in the perception […]
Keywords: national identity
The paper based on sociological research in two Russian regions (Ivanovo and Dagestan) examines the role of the Motherland symbol in the Russian public opinion. Authors believe that the most essential trait of citizens’ attitudes to the Motherland is the attributing maternal characteristics to it. The Motherland is opposed to […]
Riabova T. B., Mutaev U. K., Karusheva Yu. M. ...
The article dwells upon the role of representations of Europe‟s gender order in practices of political mobilization in today‟s Russia. The authors examine how hegemonic discourse exploits the concept «Gayropa» in strengthening Russian collective identity, shaping the national idea, and legitimating in PDF>>>
Riabova T. B., Riabov O. V. «Gayropa»: gender dimension of ...
Анализируется роль репрезентаций гендерного порядка сегодняшней Европы в практиках политической мобилизации в современной России. Исследуется использование концепта «Гейропа» гегемонным дискурсом в укреплении российской коллективной идентичности, в формулировке национальной идеи и в легитимации власти. РЯБОВ Олег Вячеславович доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры философии, Ивановский государственный университет. РЯБОВА Татьяна Борисовна доктор социологических […]