The article analyzes the characteristics of the behavior of women from Central Asian countries in the labor market of the Sverdlovsk region as one of the most attractive Russian regions for labor migrants. Based on data from a sociological survey using questionnaire methods and in-depth interviews, conducted by the authors […]
Keywords: gender differences
The article contains the results of a mix methods empirical research of digital technologies spread in health care practices among residents of big Russian cities. Combining two groups of methods — qualitative and quantitative — allowed us to get a comprehensive idea of the phenomenon under study. Even though d-Health […]
Bogomiagkova E. S. Digital technologies in health care practices: gender ...
This article addresses gender differences in entrepreneurship in Russia, with a focus on how the Russian case compares with a set of selected benchmark countries. Utilizing primarily GEM data, we examine aspects of entrepreneurial culture, individual attitudes and resources, rates of entrepreneurship, and barriers to starting a new business. read […]
Nechemias C., Bahry D. Women entrepreneurs in Russia and other ...
The aim of the study is to establish the gender characteristics of mortality from HIV infection, as well as to identify the socio-demographic context of the more negative dynamics of mortality among women. We used data from the official statistics on mortality from Rosstat, as well as information from the […]
Ivanova A. E. Gender features of mortality from HIV infection, ...
Поднимается вопрос о влиянии гендерных различий на особенности массовой политики и о возможном использовании для ее демократизации теоретических разработок, которые велись в рамках развития стратегии эмпауэрмента, формировавшейся на волне массовых студенческих выступлений конца 60-х гг. и подхваченной новыми социальными движениями 70-х гг. прошлого века. Основная идея этой стратегии связывалась с […]