Issue: 2013 No.4
The article touches upon the urgent issue — the study of a psychological stress in the teens. Special attention is paid to the gender aspect. The results of the empiric study of school stress among older pupils are given. The differences between females’ and males’ stress manifestations and survival are […]
Belova E. A. The specifics of the high school pupils’ ...
Such a complicated phenomenon as consciousness needs to be studied within a complex approach. Two philosophers criticize the physicalist understanding of the consciousness. D. Chalmers dividing the consciousness into the phenomenal and the psychological attempts to justify the irreducibility of the phenomenal to the psychological (or brain) processes. N. Sheman, […]
Blokhina N. A. Critics of the physicalist understanding of the ...
In the 2000ies the countries of Southern Africa made significant progress in establishing so-called «gender symmetry» due to the growing role of women in the political process. The modern concept of women and men equality in South African politics is actualized in practice through quota system to ensure female representation […]
Prokopenko L. Ya. Representation of women in structures of state ...
The article deals with the problem of representing Russian Other as a factor of the European identity formation. Analyzing European media coverage on contemporary gender order, the author comes to the conclusion on the ambivalence of the role of Russia in the process of the «Europeanness» formation. On the one […]
Riabov D. O. The Russian Other in the identity of ...
The article touches upon the urgent issue — the study of a psychological stress in the teens. Special attention is paid to the gender aspect. The results of the empiric study of school stress among older pupils are given. The differences between females’ and males’ stress manifestations and survival are […]
Belova E. A. The specifics of the high school pupils’ ...
Such a complicated phenomenon as consciousness needs to be studied within a complex approach. Two philosophers criticize the physicalist understanding of the consciousness. D. Chalmers dividing the consciousness into the phenomenal and the psychological attempts to justify the irreducibility of the phenomenal to the psychological (or brain) processes. N. Sheman, […]
Blokhina N. A. Critics of the physicalist understanding of the ...
The article offers the review of the recent theories of the social creativeness determination by the gender factor. The authors reveal the compatibility of the methodological approaches mentioned in the article to the Russian scholarly tradition to interconnection the study of gender factor and creativity. It is concluded that the […]
Maltsev K. G., Popel A. A. The problem of the ...
The article studies the factors determining woman’s status in traditional society and family of the Lower Amur region native ethnies, the ways they have been transforming from the late XIX c. till nowadays. The analysis of the mentioned materials allows to conclude that women despite their unequal position in the […]
Fadeeva E. V. Woman’s status and role in society and ...
The gender aspect of the implementation of the legislation concerning religious sphere in the USSR in 1929—1990 is considered. The authors point out that the specifics of the atheistic propaganda among women and men differed, as did the methods of pressure implied against them. These specifics are analyzed in the […]
Polozova K. A., Fedotov A. A. The gender aspect of ...
The social and age group of old maids is considered, and the specifics of their position in Russian peasantry in the late XIX — the early XX c. are revealed. On the base of the historical and ethnographical data collected by the informers of the Ethnographic office headed by Prince […]
Mukhina Z. Z. Old maids in Russian peasantry (the late ...
The article is devoted to the detection and substantiation of the source potential of the literary works of the late XIX — the early ХХ centuries collected in the so-called «pictures of merchant life», for the research of the Russian merchant class women’s history. The limits of the usage of […]
Menshikova E. N. Short humorous prose («pictures of merchants’ life») ...
The article analyzes small business social networks in Gatchina in gender perspective. The author considers the influence of the gender specifics on the social networks’ size, structure, and content. The degree of cooperation development inside the social networks is defined, and the advantages they allow to the small business owners […]