This paper examines gender aspects of Russian conservatism in the historical novel by N. M. Karamzin «Martha-Posadnitza». Classical conservative values are embodied in the novel: strong state power (autocracy), traditions and patriarchal order. read in PDF>>>
Issue: 2012 No.3
The article provides examples of how social networks and online communities become innovative and constructive actors of changes in the field of social policy in modern information and communication terms and conditions of in PDF>>>
Gnedash A. A. Constructive and destructive potential of female social ...
The article provides an analysis of the gender policy of modern German state in the context of the so-called «double watershed» based on the speeches and program statements of Chancellors of Germany. A special emphasis is placed on the opportunities provided by the state. They allow to successfully combine family […]
Shpilev D. A. German gender policy in the period of ...
The on-line community of parents as a new form of civil activity in modern Russia is analyzed. The parents community will be considered as a structure to accumulate social capital, as well as a mechanism to community resources mobilization. This point of view allows to describe new forms of network […]
Chernova Zh. V. Parents communities: new forms of solidarity and ...
The article based on the sociological data analyses gender dimension of contemporary Russian anti-Americanism. The authors point out that, on the one hand, gender images, symbols and metaphors are exploited in constructing Russians’ perception of the USA, and, on the other hand, American Other serves as a factor of shaping […]
Ryabova T. B., Romanova А. А. Gender dimension of modern ...
The question of the participation of Ukrainian women in politics and electoral activity is studied. On the basis of the survey made in different regions of Ukraine some imbalances in electoral preferences has been found out. Special attention is paid to the feasibility of revitalization of civil society in order […]
Skovikov A. K. Electoral activity of women and interests of ...
The article analyses gender disparities in the political behavior of Russian citizens in preelection period and during parliamentary and presidential elections of 2011—2012, and the importance of gender coordination in the «vision of the world» for institutionalization of democratic process in Russia. The analysis is based on the data of […]