The article is devoted to the research of transport advertisement’s place in formation and support of gender vision of a modern Russian city. The analysis is made on materials of observation held on Nizhnij Novgorod from October, 15 to December, 15 in 2010 and in PDF>>>
Issue: 2012 No.1
On the base of contemporary scientific works the image evolution of Muslim woman and her social and low status are in PDF>>>
Venta R. Image evolution of a Moslem woman in researches ...
This article is considering realization of a policy of gender equality in countries of Northern Europe because they are leaders of the world in this area. Gender equality in northern countries is closely connected with the project of realization the welfare state model. We allocate characteristic features of the welfare […]
Shtyleva M. V. Realization of the policy of gender equality ...
In the article the Soviet female press of the period 1945—1991 is investigated. Its thematic and typological peculiarities and ways to influence the auditory are studied. Changes of periodicals, reasons for their modification are analyzed. The author draws conclusions about the role and significance of women’s magazines in information-communicative […]
Smeyukha V.V. Women’s magazines in USSR in 1945—1991: typology, ...
As it’s shown in the article women’s involvement in industrial and agricultural manufacture depended on demographic and economic development of the region after the end of the Stalingrad battle. The portion of female labor in the branches of national economy in Stalingrad region in 1943 — the beginning of 1950 […]
Taktasheva F.A. Women’s role in reconstruction of national economy in ...
Issues, concerning the reading of peasants at the end of the XIX — the beginning of the XX-th century which are studied not deeply by the moment are considered in the article. On the example of the Vladimir province ways of penetration of printing editions into a village are investigated; […]
Soloviev А. A. Reading of women-peasants of the Vladimir province ...
Female charity in the Russian province on an example of families of the Russian governors in last quarter XVIII — the XX-th century beginning is investigated; models and methods of social support of the population and an estimation of the importance of the given experience in modern conditions come to […]
Marasanova V. M., Albegova I. F., Shamatonova G. L. Historical ...
In this article premarital strategies of Tatars from positions of the concept of societal transformation of T. I. Zaslavskoy, the theory of P. Burd'e and gender approach are analyzed: their typology is offered, factors influencing the choice one or another premarital strategy are in PDF>>>
Shishelyakina A. L. Tatar premarital strategies in the context of ...
The article deals with the analysis of gender arrangements of contemporary Russian cohabitations. Using the interviews collected in the frames of an empirical research in St Petersburg, the author reconstructs the phenomenology of «civil marriage» in a milieu of young urban middle class people, identifies the meanings of «civil marriage» […]