Titarenko L. G. Gender inequality in career ladder for young boys and girls in the IT sphere, p. 17-30

The problem of the imbalance of women and men in the IT sector, including employment and wages, is considered on the example of the Republic of Belarus at two levels — objective (real opportunities) and subjective (women’s perception of the situation). Data on employment, the presence of an imbalance of women and men in this area are given. Barriers on the way of women to the IT-sphere in obtaining a profession at a university, career advancement in the labor market are considered. Among the reasons for this process are the persisting gender stereotypes, the influence of the family, and the poor coverage of the advancement of women in the STEM profession in the media. Technologies for overcoming the identified barriers have been formulated, including support for girls through STEM centers, direct financial state support, educational quotas, and targeted pro-motion of gender equality in professions through the media. It is precisely this policy in the field of achieving equality between men and women that Belarus is oriented towards, actively developing the digital economy. Read in PDF