Shvedova N. A. Women’s leadership in the world: “promoting forward”, p.32-47

The COVID-19 pandemic of a planetary scale, like a powerful laser beam, snatched out from the shadows many facets of life and processes that until now could have been muted, by finding, it seemed, quite permissible comforting excuses. The phenomenon of life — the leadership of women and their participation in the political field has attracted attention in new and changed dangerous situations. If, before a pandemic the limited participation of women in political life, their lack of representation as voters, as well as in leadership positions whether elective positions, civil service, private sector or scientific field was almost in the order of things, today women’s leadership from the local to the global level objectively looks disproportionate to the needs of life. Moreover, women have proven their abilities as leaders and agents of change, and their right to equal participation in democratic governance. Barriers to political participation: structural barriers due to discriminatory laws and institutions continue to limit women’s ability to run for office. The capacity gap means that women are less likely than men to receive the education, contacts and resources needed to become effective leaders. Back in 2011, the UN General Assembly, in its resolution on the participation of women in politics, records: women in all corners of the world continue to be largely excluded from the political sphere, often due to discriminatory laws, customs, attitudes and gender stereotypes, low level education, lack of access to health care and the disproportionate impact of poverty on women. Individual women have overcome similar obstacles in such circumstances with great success, and often for the benefit of society as a whole. The pandemic poses the question differently: for women as a whole, the playing field should be equal, opening up opportunities for all, since getting rid of the pandemic and establishing a normal course of life cannot be objectively accomplished without ignoring and taking into account the effective participation of half of humanity. The role of women’s leadership in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic disaster is at the center of attention, reflecting the recognition of the importance and priority of the issue. Read in PDF