Shvedova N. A. The UN and the status of women in the world: growing anxiety, p.3-14

In the scientific community, and not only on other platforms as well, the topic of the status of women and men in the world has not lost its relevance for many decades. The problems are considered in the context of achieving equality between women and men in society, which is generally understood as achieving a state of women and men who are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without any restrictions stemming from various stereotypes, gender roles and prejudices. Currently, the humanitarian meaning of gender relations in society has become particularly acute and topical in the context of tense general political turbulence. Less than 1 % of women and girls live in a country with strong women’s empowerment and high levels of gender equality. Moreover, for the first time in history, the global human development index declined for two years in a row, caused by a new “uncertainty complex” symbolized by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to significant differences in levels of access to vaccines, its progress was influenced by trust and social polarization. COVID-19 is just one example of the failure of collective action, including the global public good of pandemic preparedness and response, amid alarmingly low levels of trust in polarized societies. The UN and other international organizations do not remain indifferent to the current circumstances and are looking for ways to solve difficult problems.
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