Pushkareva I. M., Pushkareva N. L. Women in the Russian labor movement 1890—1917: questions and historiographic generalizations, p. 109-125

The article describes the history of the study of the “female enzyme” in the mass Russian labor movement. It concludes that there was no so-called proletarian branch in the women’s movement in Russia of the late XIXth — early XXth c. The female theme in the history of the mass actions of Russian workers (reflected in the writings of contemporaries and historians from the beginning of the 1890s to the latest period, the end of the 2010s) appeared as a study of the activism of individual revolutionaries, leaders, agitators from various socialist parties, as the study of the social status and social image of female representatives of fabric workers (but not their identity, their mass protest activity). The article reveals the debatable issues of the proletarians participation history in the All-Russian women’s movement, analyzes the reasons for the impossibility of creating a unified All-Russian women’s organization at the beginning of the XX c. and outlines promising trends in research analysis in the area of women’s history, history of women’s workers.
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