Kovtun G. S. , Kuperman A. A. Gender beliefs of today’s college students (On the materials of Vladivostok), p. 53-63

The article explains the importance and relevance of the sociological study of students gender conceptions in the conditions of modern Russia. Gender beliefs of students are considered to be the most important prognostic information source on trends in gender relations in various spheres of public life: political, labor, family and marriage. The article presents the results of a sociological survey, which was implemented in autumn 2015 on the materials of the Far Eastern Federal University and the Maritime State University named after admiral G. I. Nevelskoy (Vladivostok). The purpose of the study was to identify gender beliefs of contemporary college students, emerging in the situation of simultaneous operation in the Russian society of several competing ideologies of gender.
Information was collected through anonymous questionnaires. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions: 19 closed and 6 open (2 independent and 4 for the argument the answer to the previous question). The questions included in the questionnaire were divided into four thematic blocks: “The images of men and women”, “Gender relations in politics”, “Gender relations in the workplace”, “Gender relations in the sphere of family and marriage”. The information obtained was evaluated in terms of its compliance/non-compliance with the basic principles of traditional and egalitarian gender ideologies.
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