Khotkina Z. А. 30 years of Russian gender studies: retrospective and perspectives, p.26-37

A retrospective analysis of the thirty-year period (1990—2020) of the formation and development of Russian gender studies is presented, in which identified are three conditional stages, characterized by the originality of the tasks solved and the results achieved, as well as the influence of external contextual factors: the first stage — the period of formation and institutionalization of gender studies in the Russian Academy and higher school, which received in the scientific literature on gender studies the name “gender 90s”, as a reflection of the rapid start of a new scientific direction in the 90s of the XX c.; the second stage — the inclusion of gender studies in the Russian context through the understanding and analysis of Russian material and problems. This stage covers the first decade of the XXI c. (2000—2009), and can be conditionally designated as the period of “transition of quantity into qualityˮ; the third stage — the development of gender in the digital age is associated with the continuation of Russian gender studies in context of digitalization and the emergence of a network society, as the main challenges of the last decade of the XXI c. (2010—2020). Special attention in the article is paid
to the modern period, in which the fundamental ideas of gender equality began to be reflected in the changing Russian legislation: in 2018, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation reduces the list and types of work professions prohibited for women from 456 to 100. This is the result of many years of demand from both international and Russian women’s organizations and researchers. 2019 — Russia has resumed work on preparations for the adoption of the federal law “On the fundamentals of the system of prevention of family (domestic) violence in the Russian Federation”. More than 900 thousand people signed a petition on the adoption of the law posted on Runet, while opponents of the law collected only 19 thousand signatures. The article presents the results and outlines promising directions of Russian gender studies, including those related to the emergence of a virtual gender space on the Internet.
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