Kalkandeler N. Alienation on charwomen created by social exclusion, P. 59—72

Women imprisoned with their feminine roles within the borders of their own house, have attempted to break the taboo rules of patriarchal culture in order to be able to fight for their lives, even though they are isolated from the public order. Since the life of a woman who was exposed to both physical and psychological pressures as well as economic violence, suffered from financial difficulties and became the subject of misery, could not undergo a completely different transformation in her working life, the domestic labor of women has evolved into a profession. This profession, where she can live and practice in
a socio-cultural sense and earn money in return, is “charwoman”. Women’s job choices focused on the occupations they thought were closest to them. This research supports the literature and shows that more than half of the women prefer domestic chores and house cleaning as their job. However, this situation brought along some difficulties for women both in social life and in the business life that they started to be a part of it. Charwomen have difficulty in gaining a place and identity in the society due to the work they do, and they are socially excluded. In this context, alienation will form the problem area in this research and will be interpreted with the support of research data.
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