DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.3.11 The results of the international scientific conference “Gender Relations in the modern world: management, economics, social policy” (Moscow — Ivanovo — Ples, May 16—18, 2019) are analyzed in the article. The problems of the new gender order, gender aspects of management and social policy, women’s entrepreneurship and employment, […]
Short overview of abstracts and discussions during the XI International Scientific Con-ference held in Nizhny Novgorod by Russian Association for Research in Women’s History (October 4—7, 2018) presents a varied tapestry of ideas and estimations, relating assessments concerning the gender aspects of urbanism, as well as innovative interdisciplinary approaches in […]
Pushkareva N. L., Mukhina Z. Z., Mitsyuk N. ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.4.14 Promotion of gender equality norms as well as the best world and national practices in the republics with a dominant Islamic tradition and an unstable socio-political situation is the topic of a large long-term project ending in 2020. Within its framework, a meeting of anth-ropologists, sociologists, and political […]
Pushkareva N. L., Kotovskaya M. G., Mitsyuk N. ...
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