Analysis of all Russian public opinion polls conducted by Russian Public Opinion Research Centre in the period from 1991 to 2016, indicates the presence of significant changes in the system of distribution of social roles that have occurred over the last quarter century in Russia. However, it turns out that public stereotypes that women are less competitive in the labour market, are forced out rather slowly.
The sphere of technology could serve as an example of the area closed to most women. Thus, the majority of Russians (60 %) continue to hold the view that technological specialities are the prerogative of the male sex.
Major barriers arise precisely at the stage of professional development when the gender imbalance and scepticism on the part of the professional envi-ronment are perceived by women as indicative of futility.
The maximum effective realization of women’s potential as economic agents under the conditions when the country feels the need to mobilize domestic resources, is an important strategic in PDF>>>