The article discusses the process of formation and development of the socio-political movement of Muslim women (Tatars) in the Volga-Ural region during the revolutionary events of 1917. At the beginning of the 20th century Russian society believed that Muslim women did not have the opportunity to participate in public life, […]
Keywords: “women’s issue”
The article considers the ideas of the Russian writer, poet and journalist M. I. Mikhailov, that became intellectual prerequisites for the formation of feminist discourse in Russian sociology of the XIX century. Domestic thinkers have contributed greatly to the emergence in Russia of feminism as a social phenomenon and the […]
Baturenko S. A. Prerequisites of feminist discourse formation in Russian ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.1 The article is devoted to the little-studied problem of a new gender order formation as one of the types of social transitions in the context of globalization: the social-gender transi-tion. Its essence, forms of expression and conflict potential are analyzed. The analysis of the category “new gender order”, […]
Sillaste G. G. Social transitions and the formation of ...
DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2019.2.1 Статья посвящена малоисследованной проблеме формирования нового гендерного порядка как одного из видов социальных транзиций в условиях глобализации: транзиции социогендерной. Рассматриваются ее сущность, формы выражения, конфликтогенность. Центральное место занимает анализ категории «новый гендерный порядок», ее научного и практического содержания, отличия от «женского вопроса» как ведущей парадигмы ХIХ—ХХ вв., а […]