Voloshun P. V. “She is the woman with the reputation of a smart person”: the wife of the Russian Emperor in February of 1917, pp. 55-62

The image of the last Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova remains ambiguous and raises questions. The tragic events experienced by a person in everyday life determine her behavior, which in turn demonstrates her true desires and aspirations, and also reveals the traits of character. For the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, such an event was the February Revolution and the abdication in 1917, the study of which raises the question — how Alix experienced those days — as an empress or an ordinary woman. The author suggested that Alix’s strategy of behavior was oriented towards the social status of the spouse, and was not her own. However, it was during those days that Alexandra Feodorovna showed herself. Studying women’s biographies, life strategies and individual
actions reflected in them, the modern historian can appreciate the emotional re-gime of the era and compare his own life motivation with the motivation of those who lived long before us. This study allows to single out new shades and nuances while studying one of the key events in the history of Russia — the February Revolution of 1917.
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