Volkova O. А., Bosov D. V. The image of the woman-programmer in the films and serials

DOI: 10.21064/WinRS.2018.3.9
The article presents the results of the analysis of a female programmer image, presented in foreign and Russian movies and serials. The study was conducted from September 2017 till February 2018. To collect primary data, we used the following methods: content analysis and visual analysis. Analyzed are the specialized sites: KinoPoisk, IMDb, Film.ru. On these sites there are ratings of foreign and domestic films of mainstream cinema and art house. For the processing and analysis of primary data, we used these methods: “commented primary texts”, compilation of comparative tables, discourse interpretation (since the same images can be perceived differently by different people, and the perception itself depends on social and individual
haracteristics), hermeneutic analysis (because it is important for the study who the customers and producers of movies, viewers are). As a result of sociological analysis, we found the vectors for developing the image of a female programmer: in American films identification with masculinity, in the works of Scandinavian filmmakers — with ideas of independence and equality, in Russian — with the fulfillment of traditional roles. Ideas of feminism are represented in American cinema and especially in the movies of Britain and the Nordic countries. In most foreign films, the programmer’s heroine is an androgynous, asocial, and also a bisexual loner who is unable to follow social norms. In the domestic cinema, the image of a female programmer is represented within the framework of traditional gender roles, regardless of professional affiliation.
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