Vasilchenko E. A. Women of the Far East in modern conditions pp.31-36

The author described the development trend of women’s society in the Far East, in modern conditions, compared them with similar tendencies of the Soviet period. On the basis of statistical data, the author has analyzed the ratio of the number of men and women living in the Maritime region at the beginning of 2014. Comparing the corresponding figures for the Khabarovsk Territory, the author revealed the causes of imbalance of the sexes. The author touches upon fertility problems, instability of marriages, female unemployment, professional and educational activity of women, as well as residents of the Far East wages. On the example of Khabarovsk Krai the author describes the work of women’s organizations in support of the government policy to increase the authority of the family and the status of women, the strengthening of family values. The author revealed the aims and objectives of many women’s organizations. The article analyzes the technology of women’s organizations activities: the exchange of experience at the level of the Association of Cities of Siberia and the Far East; a partnership of local governments and women’s organizations; successful attempts to attract men to the challenges faced by women’s organizations. The author is concerned about the negative trend which is gaining strength in the Far East — the outflow of the population into the western regions of the country. In his opinion, a significant role in this process is played by women; so the author calls for women’s organizations to move from words to action on the difficult way of imbuing the minds and hearts with patriotism. read in PDF>>>