Sirazhudinova S. V. “I can’t tell about it”: the domestic and sexual violence in the republics of the North Caucasus (Based on the sociological research data in the Republic of Dagestan), p. 26 — 35

The article examines the issue of family and sexual violence in the republics of the North Caucasus. The republics of the North Caucasus are distinguished by the fact that here you can find a whole range of issues related to domestic violence and sexual assault, both common forms, and specific regional, even local. The author refers to the results of sociologi-cal research devoted to the study of violence against women conducted in the Republic of Da-gestan. The results showed that the theory of control is still relevant to Dagestan, as legitimati-zation of violence and male domination. The forms of violence against women could be of a multifaceted and disguised character.
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