Lyskova I. E. The influence of the University Extension Movement on the development of system of education and self-management in the countries of Western Europe, North America and Russia: gender aspect pp.105-118

The article implies complex research of key problems in the history of economic and managerial thought in Russia at the end of the XIX and at the beginning of the XX c. in the context of socio-economic development of the leading West European and North American countries. The history of management and self-management in particular interests many people nowadays. Still there is no common interpretation of the essence of personal management and its role in socio-economic processes of present-day reality.
The article deals with the characteristic features, common and comparative analysis, and system approach to the gender problems of education and self-management in Western Europe, North America and Russia in the late XIX and the early XX c.
Scientific heritage of famous Russian scientists and public figures N. I. Kareev and P. N. Milyukov reflects different aspects of the history of economic and managerial teachings. They were representatives of the Russian historical school and were profoundly interested in the problems of economic development of the countries of Western Europe, North America and Russia. They paid special attention to the history of economic doctrines and socio-economic processes in historical context including gender.
This aspect of scientific and social activities of N. I. Kareev and P. N. Milyukov is still practically unknown. The views of the scientists in the sphere of self-management need analysis and systematization. The modern situation really requires new approaches to studying Milyukov’s and Kareev’s unique scientific heritage, characterizing the history of the University Extension Movement, the history of education and self-management in in PDF>>>