Kozlova N. N., Rassadin S. V., Ovcharova O. G., Vasilyeva E. N. Axiological foundations of the discursive field of online family communities in modern Russia, P. 100-111

Abstract. The relevance of addressing this issue is determined by the large-scale transformation of family and demographic parameters of modern Russian society. The purpose of the study is to identify the axiological foundations of the discursive field of thematic family online communities in Russia. Axiological and discursive approaches were used as the methodological basis of the study. The empirical study was conducted in August and September 2024. Three online communities were chosen as the object of analysis: “Parents and teachers! Our children”, “I AM MOTHER!™ Children. Family”, “Parents are down with the kids. Club of modern moms and dads” (Russian social network “VKontakte”). The authors concluded that the absolute fundamental value of the content of these online communities is familism. The values of child-centrism, motherhood, paternity, connection between generations, mutual support, mercy, patriotism, the natural world and others that complement familism are expressed with varying degrees of intensity. The content of online communities is aimed at family and family-related topics, and is also isolated from public (political) life. Families are presented as microcosms, the main tasks of which are to care for children and ensure their safety from the threats of the big world. The intersection of the family and political spheres is captured in one topic, which is national security. The authors concluded that online communities should be qualified as entities that actively produce and implement the values of familism and child-centrism, and offer a positive agenda for strengthening familistic culture and the Russian family as a social group and social institution (at the micro and macro levels).

Acknowledgments: this work was supported by the grant from the Expert Institute for Social Research, project № FEMS-2024—0006 “Patriotic and family values as constants of civilizational development in Russia” (2024).

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