Article Category: SCIENTIFIC LIFE

The results of the All-Russian academic conference “Women’s Opportunities in Russia and in the World: Limiting Factors and Socio-Economic Consequences of Inequality” (Moscow, March 1, 2024) are analyzed. The purpose of the conference is to discuss women’s problems in Russia and in the world in the context of equality of […]

Khotkina Z. A., Rebrey S. M. About the All-Russian academic ...

The article analyzes the results of the international round table Gender research in modern science: from theory to practice, held within the framework of the XX International Conference Public Administration in New Geopolitical and Geo-Economic Conditions (Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University, December 6, 2023). The purpose of the event is […]

Andryushina E. V., Grigorieva N. S. Current approaches to the ...

The results of a scientific conference with international participation “Women of Russia: comprehending the past and creating the present (In line with the directions of the National Strategy of Action for Women for 2023—2030)” (Ivanovo — Plyos, 12—13 May 2023) are analyzed. The purpose of the conference is to discuss […]

Smirnova I. N. About the All-Russian scientific conference with international ...