Family entrepreneurship as a resource to improve the quality of life of the family and its employment was the subject of discussions of the II Russian Gender Forum, which was held in Moscow on October 29—30, 2020 at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Moderator and […]
The results of the round table discussion “Women’s entrepreneurship in rural areas: sources of development, support for family entrepreneurship” (the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, February 10, 2020) are analyzed in the article. An attempt is made to answer the questions concerning what goes away, […]
Milovanova M. Yu. Women’s entrepreneurship in rural areas: sources of ...
The article is innovative and devoted to theoretical analysis of understanding scientific approaches to the study of the family in transitive Russian society development, inconsistency of social change in the process of forming a new gender order and transition of the global economy towards an inclusive development model. The transition […]