Kozlova O. A., Bedrina E. B., Neklyudova N. Р. Migrant women from Central Asian countries in the regional labor market: behavioral patterns, p. 83-99

The article analyzes the characteristics of the behavior of women from Central Asian countries in the labor market of the Sverdlovsk region as one of the most attractive Russian regions for labor migrants. Based on data from a sociological survey using questionnaire methods and in-depth interviews, conducted by the authors in March and April 2023 at places of employment and employment points for migrant workers in the region, a comparative analysis is given. Factors in the formation of behavioral strategies of migrant women in terms of age, status and nationality were also identified. The characteristics of the behavior of women from Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are considered. It is noted that women migrant workers from Central Asian countries have a higher level of education compared to men and are mainly employed in the service sector. In addition, they are not inclined to participate in ethnic enterprises and do not strive to live the lifestyle of residents of enclave settlements. Women migrant workers are also more open to interacting with the local population than men. The authors confirmed the thesis about the importance of kinship and family relationships for women. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the behavior in the labor market of young women under 29 years of age. It is concluded that many young migrant women form behavioral strategies that are not associated with traditional patterns. In addition, the authors note that young migrant women are independent in decision-making, ambitious and express a desire to receive a Russian education.

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