Keywords: na￾turalistic dualism

Such a complicated phenomenon as consciousness needs to be studied within a com￾plex approach. Two philosophers criticize the physicalist understanding of the conscious￾ness. D. Chalmers dividing the consciousness into the phenomenal and the psychological attempts to justify the irreducibility of the phenomenal to the psychological (or brain) processes. N. Sheman, […]

Blokhina N. A. Critics of the physicalist understanding of the ...

Such a complicated phenomenon as consciousness needs to be studied within a com￾plex approach. Two philosophers criticize the physicalist understanding of the conscious￾ness. D. Chalmers dividing the consciousness into the phenomenal and the psychological attempts to justify the irreducibility of the phenomenal to the psychological (or brain) processes. N. Sheman, […]

Blokhina N. A. Critics of the physicalist understanding of the ...