Issue: 2013 No.4

The article represents the results of the experimental study of gender and age-related interconnected specifics of stereotyping in the perception of teachers by teenage students. It shows that the contents of the teachers’ work is subjected to the gender stereotyping more than to the age-related one. But in order to […]

Miklyayeva A. V. The gender aspects of a teacher’s professional ...

The transformation of the social roles of the village female teachers is analyzed in the article on the base of the interviews with the students and the principal of Prokudino vil￾lage school, Saratov region. This process is considered as reaction to the village school net￾work reform. The author points out […]

Leljukhin S. V. The roles of village female teachers: a ...

The article offers the description of the individual professional and role complexes of the teachers working in the public schools, elite schools, non-governmental religious educa￾tional institutions. The mentioned complexes are evaluated from the viewpoint of the level of technological readiness of teachers for educational in PDF>>>

Bekarev A. M., Shakurova A. V. Individual professional and role ...