Sillaste G. G. Russian women‘s organizations as a form of social community and its social dynamics in the modes of globalization and the formation of a new gender order, p. 28-46

The article from the standpoint of sociological approach brings to light the peculiarities of the various social forms of female community, their features and essential content, the speci-ficity of the categories of «women‘s movement» and «women‘s organization», the modification of their forms in terms of the social dynamics of Russian society caused by the change of economic and political paradigm of its development, the formation of new forms of women‘s consolidation in the absence of the disintegrated in the early 2000s «administrative centres» support and solidarity in the work of Russian women‘s organizations. The article analyzes the process of «reformatting» regional social women‘s organizations and the formation of new gender communities, issues of their integration and institutionalization, and the trajectory of possible qualitative changes in the Russian women‘s informal community over the period of 2020—2030. read in PDF>>>