Prokopenko L. Ya. Representation of women in structures of state power (The case of Southern Africa region) pp.40-51

In the 2000ies the countries of Southern Africa made significant progress in establish￾ing so-called «gender symmetry» due to the growing role of women in the political process.
The modern concept of women and men equality in South African politics is actualized in practice through quota system to ensure female representation at elective offices. In the states of the Southern Africa women occupy an increasingly prominent place in the polit￾ical elites. However, this tendency still has little effect on improvement of women‟s socio￾economic status and, consequently, on the development of society as a whole. There is a dis￾crepancy between attitudes in politics and in law issues,between declarations and the reali￾ties of life which is a common trend in the development of the African continent as well as of many other societies in in PDF>>>