Popova O. D. Cookbooks and nutrition practices in Soviet women‘s everyday life of the 1960s, р. 120-139

The article examines cookbooks and nutrition practices during the Khrushchev period. They became a vivid reflection of the contradictory steps taken by the authorities in social policy. At that time, official propaganda assigned a dual function to women: a participant in social production and a keeper of the hearth, who was supposed to run the household economically and efficiently. In conditions of increasing needs of society and
growing shortages, cookbooks set the task of simplifying the organization of everyday life. For the first time, cookbooks were addressed to residents of rural areas; they declared the opportunity to have a small personal farmstead, which was in conflict with the ideas of collective farm construction of the 1920—30s. However, the authorities viewed the collective farmer‘s individual farm and garden plots only as an auxiliary element in solving pressing problems. Read in PDF

Acknowledgements: this work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant № 24-28-01217 ―Everyday life in Soviet people‘s letters to government officials in the 1950—1970s‖, https://www.rscf.ru/en/project/24-28-01217/.