Khasbulatova O. A., Smirnova I. N. The evolution of women’s issues in Russian society (1900—2020), p. 3-23

Women’s issues have existed in the politics and social practice of Russian society for more than 150 years. The women’s issues combine the legal status, social position of women in society and the family. The authorities, political parties, progressive intellectuals, women’s groups and other sectors of society have contributed to tackling women’s issues throughout history. The authors made use of a wide range of historical and sociological documents as well as analyzed a large amount of sources both of historical and sociological character. The academic analysis revealed that the development of social awareness about equality between women and men spans several generations. There are stereotypes about social roles that still exist in Russian society: men are involved in politics and governance; women work, raise children and maintain the household. In modern society, equality between women and men has been achieved at the legal level but the women’s issues have not been resolved. The myth of equality between women and men still exists. The creation of the myth is based on the ingrained ideology, ability to change and stereotypes. Therefore, the researchers concluded that the women’s issues in Russia have not been completely resolved. Russia’s approach to tackling the women’s issues means that equality between women and men is legally enforceable but women face discrimination in the areas of governance and family relations. The authors believe that the state, society and researchers should help the new generation of boys and girls to get rid of stereotypes. It is important to educate young people and create equal conditions for self-realization in all spheres of society. Read in PDF