Israelian E. V. The situation of women in the economy: World Bank estimates and statistics, Р. 167-176

Abstract. The article examines the main results of the World Bank report “Women, Business and the Law”, published in March 2024. The reports are published by the World Bank annually and contain a regularly updated database for 190 countries. This report deserves special attention both in terms of its innovative methodology and in the context of its conclusions. The exexperts digitally confirmed the development of an alarming trend — the deepening inequality of
women and men in the economy, entrepreneurship and family life. Moreover, the scale of discrimination against women turned out to be much more significant than expected. The key conclusion of the report is that in no country, even with the richest economy, do women have equal
rights and opportunities with men. The presented array of information provides a basis for future
theoretical research and use in decision-making by government and business structures.

For citation: Israelian, E. V. (2024) Polozhenie zhenshchin v ėkonomike: otsenki i statistika Vsemirnogo Banka [The situation of women in the economy: World Bank estimates
and statistics], Zhenshchina v rossiĭskom obshchestve, no. 4, pp. 167—176

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